BICS and Telcofan team up to streamline private networks

Private Networks Made Easy: BICS and Telcofan Join Forces to Simplify Connectivity

Businesses across industries like manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and security are increasingly turning to private mobile networks for their on-site technology needs. These networks offer several advantages over public networks, including more consistent connectivity, increased security, and improved control. However, setting them up can be complex due to bespoke requirements and intricate operator agreements.

BICS, an international connectivity leader and 5G enabler, and Telcofan, a consultancy and systems integrator specializing in mobile private networks, have partnered to address this challenge. They aim to simplify the implementation and operation of private networks for businesses, making them more accessible and affordable.

The partnership offers businesses a comprehensive solution:

  • SIMs and eSIMs: BICS provides SIMs and eSIMs for connected devices, enabling seamless connectivity and roaming between public and private networks.
  • SIM Management Platform: Businesses can easily set up and manage their connected devices through BICS’s platform.
  • Network Design and Integration: Telcofan provides expertise in network design and integration, assisting with equipment procurement and installation.
  • Ongoing Support: Both BICS and Telcofan offer ongoing support throughout the private network’s lifecycle.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Simplified setup and management: Businesses can focus on innovation rather than technical complexities.
  • More reliable and predictable connectivity: Increased operational efficiency and reduced downtime.
  • Improved security: Stronger protection against cyberattacks.
  • Reduced costs: Efficient resource allocation and cost savings.
  • Faster time to market: Quicker deployment and realization of benefits.


  • Lieven Vanthomme, Managing Director at Telcofan: “Private networks, particularly 5G, have transformative potential, but complexity can be a barrier. Telcofan and BICS make it easier than ever with one SIM for both your private and operator networks.”
  • Divya Ghai Wakankar, Vice-President of Enterprise Business and Marketing at BICS: “BICS and Telcofan allow businesses to leverage next-gen technology like M2M and IoT without diving into the complexities of telco. Businesses now have access to a global SIM/eSIM and a platform that simplifies device connection.”


The BICS and Telcofan partnership offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to implement and manage private networks. By simplifying the process and reducing complexity, they are making private networks more accessible and affordable, enabling businesses to reap their numerous benefits and achieve greater operational efficiency, security, and competitiveness.

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