Discord Takes a Stand Against Transphobia: Bans Deadnaming and Misgendering

Discord Takes a Stand Against Transphobia: Bans Deadnaming and Misgendering thinkitnow.in


Discord, the popular communication platform, has taken a significant step towards fostering an inclusive and respectful online environment. In its latest update to the hateful conduct policy, Discord explicitly bans deadnaming and misgendering of transgender individuals. This move comes in response to the rising prevalence of such harmful practices on social media platforms and aims to provide a safer space for users, particularly those in the LGBTQ+ community.


Discord’s Hateful Conduct Policy Update:

Discord’s hateful conduct policy defines hate speech as any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanizes individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics. The updated policy, implemented internally in 2022 and made public as part of an annual review, now explicitly prohibits users from repeatedly using slurs to degrade individuals or groups, including deadnaming or misgendering a transgender person.

Discord’s spokesperson emphasized the platform’s commitment to ensuring a safe and enjoyable space for users. Discord collaborates with organizations and subject matter experts to ensure that its policies accurately encompass a holistic view of how issues like hate speech manifest across the internet and society.

Key Provisions in the Updated Policy:

  1. Explicit Ban on Deadnaming and Misgendering: The policy explicitly bans the repeated use of slurs to degrade individuals or groups, emphasizing the prohibition of deadnaming and misgendering transgender individuals.
  2. User Reporting and Self-Protection: Users are encouraged to report violating content, and the policy suggests that users remove themselves from spaces where hateful conduct is prevalent.
  3. Forbidding Discrimination and Negative Stereotypes: The policy forbids calling for the segregation or discrimination against protected groups and spreading unfounded claims to incite fear or hostility. Negative stereotypes about protected groups through derogatory generalizations are also prohibited.
  4. Denying Mass Human Atrocities: Denying well-documented “mass human atrocities” or casting doubt on their occurrence is explicitly forbidden.

Comparison with Other Social Media Platforms:

Discord stands out among social media platforms by explicitly addressing and banning misgendering and deadnaming. While platforms like Post have also updated their content rules to include protection for gender identity and sexual orientation, Discord’s comprehensive approach in banning specific harmful practices demonstrates its commitment to fostering a positive online community.

Impact on LGBTQ+ Users:

GLAAD, an LGBTQ advocacy group, highlighted the prevalence of deadnaming and misgendering on social media platforms and praised Discord’s move. Intentional misgendering and deadnaming are identified as hate speech, and GLAAD urged other social media platforms to adopt similar policies to protect trans users. The organization emphasized that such practices are not accidental but deliberate acts of hate speech.

Challenges in the Online Landscape:

Discord’s policy update comes after X (formerly Twitter) quietly removed its policy against deadnaming and misgendering trans people earlier this year. The move sparked concerns about the increasing online rhetoric targeting the trans community.

Discord’s Warning System:

As part of its update, Discord introduced a warning system to enforce its policies effectively. The system considers the severity of harm rather than imposing a fixed number of chances before users face permanent suspension. Users violating the policies receive direct messages explaining the violation, actions that may be taken, and links to educational resources about Discord’s Community Guidelines.

Discord aims to strike a balance between enforcing rules and providing users with opportunities to learn and correct their behavior. The warning system categorizes users based on the severity and repetition of violations, allowing them to check their account standing and take corrective actions.


Discord’s explicit ban on deadnaming and misgendering is a commendable step towards creating a more inclusive and respectful online space. The platform’s commitment to regular policy evaluations, collaboration with experts, and the introduction of a warning system underscores its dedication to user safety. As the online landscape continues to evolve, Discord’s proactive approach in addressing harmful practices sets a positive precedent for other social media platforms to follow suit.

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