
Russia’s “Star Blizzard” Group Exposed for Cyber Attacks on UK Politics

UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and its Five Eyes allies have exposed a sustained campaign of cyber attacks on British political and democratic processes, attributed to a group called “Star Blizzard.” This group is believed to be a subunit of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor to the KGB.

Star Blizzard’s activities include:

  • Spear-phishing attacks: Targeting high-profile individuals for nearly a decade, including a former MI6 chief whose communications were compromised.
  • Compromise of sensitive documents: Leaking UK-US trade documents before the 2019 General Election and attacking the Institute for Statecraft.
  • Targeting diverse institutions: Universities, journalists, public sector bodies, NGOs, and civil society organizations.

Star Blizzard’s goal is to:

  • Selectively leak stolen information to advance Russia’s geopolitical goals.
  • Undermine trust in UK politics through disinformation and cyber espionage.

Key points to note:

  • NCSC and allies previously warned about the group in January 2023.
  • This is the first official attribution of the campaign to Star Blizzard.
  • NCSC issued revised guidance for high-risk individuals to improve online security.
  • National Crime Agency (NCA) imposed sanctions on individuals involved.
  • Secureworks’ Counter Threat Unit (CTU) identified Star Blizzard’s sophisticated tactics.

Experts believe Star Blizzard:

  • Has honed its spear-phishing skills over eight years.
  • Plays a “long game” with meticulous reconnaissance and fake social media accounts.
  • Uses readily available open source tools and SSL certificates.

This revelation highlights the ongoing threat of cyber attacks on democratic processes and the need for vigilance against foreign interference.

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